History & True Crime

Young Bloomsbury by Nino Strachey is published today


We are delighted to announce that Young Bloomsbury by Nino Strachey is published today by John Murray. 

The Bloomsbury Group gained a controversial reputation before the First World War, with their irreverent spirit and eagerness to challenge conventions in their writing and art. But commercial success came only in the 1920s, when a group of unorthodox creatives joined their ranks. Who were these younger figures who invigorated the ageing ‘Bloomsberries’ with their captivating looks and provocative ideas?

In Young Bloomsbury Nino introduces an extraordinarily colourful cast of Bright Young Things, including novelist Eddy Sackville-West ‘who wore elaborate make-up and dressed in satin and black velvet’, sculptor Stephen Tomlin, and writer Julia Strachey. Talented, productive and ahead of their time, these larger-than-life figures had high-achieving professional lives and extremely complicated emotional lives.

Bloomsbury had always celebrated sexual equality and freedom in private, feeling that every person had the right to live and love in the way they chose. But as transgressive self-expression became more public, this younger generation gave Old Bloomsbury a new voice. Revealing an aspect of Bloomsbury history not yet explored, Young Bloomsbury celebrates an open way of living that would not be embraced for another hundred years.

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